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作者: 諾客體育 瀏覽:2604 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2019-03-31 19:10:48

25日,由中國臺球協(xié)會(huì )指導支持,省社會(huì )體育指導中心主辦的2017“興辰體育”中國斯諾克元老邀請賽在福州開(kāi)桿。

25, by Chinese billiards association guidance support, sponsored by the social sports guidance center 2017 "Xingchen sports" Chinese snooker tournament will be held in Fuzhou.

本次比賽是中國臺球協(xié)會(huì )的一項新興賽事,從2010年開(kāi)始先后在廣州、陸豐、張家港、南京等地舉辦過(guò)四屆比賽,參賽選手都是曾經(jīng)在中國斯諾克臺壇赫赫有名的老運動(dòng)員。應邀參加本次比賽的選手包括徐鑫建、富京、張凱、郭華等,賽事為期兩天,采用單敗淘汰制。

This competition is a new event of the Chinese billiards association. Since 2010, it has held four competitions in Guangzhou, Lufeng, Zhangjiagang and Nanjing. All the competitors are famous athletes in the snooker arena in China. Invited to participate in the tournament players including Xu Xinjian, Zhang Kai, Guo Hua, Fu Jing, a two day event, the single elimination.

相關(guān)標簽: 斯諾克賽事 ,


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